our ministries
how we gather and serve
worship & fellowship
During worship, our children are sent out during the Passing of the Peace for daycare and Sunday School.
If you would like to volunteer with our children's programming or have any questions, please contact Daniel Gwanfogbe.
fellowship lunch
After the Sunday service, we continue worship through food and fellowship. Lunch is free and provided by volunteers.
If you are interested in providing lunch, please contact Daniel Gwanfogbe.
music & arts
Every Sunday, we are led in worship through song by the Multicultural Choir and Praise Team.
If you are interested in joining the choir or using your gifts in worship, please contact Teresa Perez.
The Presbyterian Women is a celebrated partner and integral part of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Teresa Perez.
Join us every fifth Sunday of the year from 2 to 5 PM at Salvation Army to cook and prepare meals for those experiencing homelessness.
If you are interested in serving, please contact Teresa Perez.
spiritual growth
YOUTH fellowship
Once a month, our teens meet for fellowship, discussion, and fun.
Please contact Pastor John with any questions.
open sanctuary
Every Wednesday from 3 to 4 PM, we open up our sanctuary to the community for time to meditate, rest, and be still.
theology group
Once a month, we gather for discussion about questions of faith and life.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Pastor John.